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Hello & Welcome to Money Factor -
A Kid's Guide to Money & Finance
Course 1: Hello, Money!
Your Fun-ance journey starts here
Your Fun-ance journey starts here
We're going to learn...
Hello, I am Cecilia, I teach youngsters like you about money (it's called finance) and how we use time, space and all the resources around us to live our lives to the full (it's called economics). This course will introduce you to both finance and economics. I hope you enjoy it.
This course is split in six units and each unit includes a few challenges. Here's a quick guide on how to work on each challenge. Happy Learning!
Class One
What is 'Money'?
Step One: Watch These Videos
Let the journey beginClass One: What is money?
Welcome to our online class! Your journey begins with a question: what is money? What does the word 'money' actually mean? Here's a clue: think goods and services. Happy learning!
Class One: Goods Vs Services (The Workout Game)
Time for a little action! Join our fun economics workout. If you think the object on the screen is a good, duck. If it is a service, leap.
Ready? GO, with va-va-voom! If you know by heart what goods and services are, skip the introduction and go directly to 1.01 minute and start ducking or leaping right away!
Step Two: Complete These Challenges
Go, you oober money hero!
Flash Cards
Here's a quick and fun way to make sure you remember what we have learned so far.
To flip each card around click on one of the card's corners
Word Search Challenge
Search all the new words we have learned in this class. It's fun and it will help you remember the new terms.
Do you need a hand? Click on 'Hint' (top right corner)
Drag and Drop Challenge
Drag and drop the right answers. You can check each answer as you go (click on the 'Check Answer' box at the bottom of each question)
When you are ready for the next question, click on the box that says 'Next' (bottom right-hand corner)
Remember: Each quiz includes four questions but there are many more questions
in reserve, so you can take more than one quiz. Try as many quizzes as you can...
Curiosity Corner
Crazy, Funny, Quirky but True Extra Facts for The Knowledge-Thirsty
'Goods' to meet you
Money gets you goods and services but not all goods are alike. Some goods are easily spoilt, some last a long time. Some goods are used every day, some only once in a while. Some goods describe how much we earn and how we live. Step this way to a mini guide to understand goods a little better: goods to meet you!
Money's Many Jobs
Money gets you goods and services - alright: by now you have learned this definition by heart. Here's a little more food for thought for you. Let’s find out how many functions and tasks money must fulfil before we can use it.
Clue: hard work...
Time to let your new money knowledge shine
Class Two
Shopping with Cavemen
Step One: Watch These Videos
The journey goes on. Hop on the Time Bike...
Class Two: Shopping with Cavemen (Part 1)
Now that we understand what money really is and how it works, let's find out its history. Welcome to Prehistory: no school, no hot baths, no warm beds, no internet, no ice cream, no coins, no banknotes, no debit cards, no credit cards. Does this mean no shopping? NO WAY! Hop on the time bike to find out what our ancestors did when they needed something!
Class Two: Shopping with Cavemen (Part 2)
Here we are, back to Prehistory to shop with cavemen. Today hunters and gatherers have not been lucky. Some have come back to the village empty-handed, so they cannot barter anything. How can they get what they need?
It's all down to one word: TRUST.
Class Two: Shopping with Cavemen (Part 3)
Welcome back to a world where money does not exist yet but where shopping does. It's time to go shopping with cavemen. Today we meet two people, who NEED CREDIT! Enter the popular and kind medicine woman and a stranger to the Prehistoric village. Who will get credit? The clue is, as ever, TRUST!
Class Two: Barter Boogie (The Workout Game)
Here we are, back to Prehistory to shop with cavemen. It's time for our workout game. Watch this video and dance the Barter Boogie with us. Clap your hands, move your arms back and forth, stamp your feet and sing along. The more you try, the more you learn. Barter will never be the same after this boogie!
Step Two: Complete These Challenges
Go, you oober money hero!
Flash Cards
Here's a quick and fun way to make sure you remember what we have learned so far.
To flip each card around click on one of the card's corners
Word Search Challenge
Search all the new words we have learned in this unit. It's fun and it will help you remember the new terms.
Do you need a hand? Click on 'Hint' (top right corner)
- Mind Map Challenge
You can play this mind map as an animation or you can study it frame by frame or you can do both.
To choose, click on top the left-hand corner in the the section below. To set your play speed, go to the bottom right-hand corner.
Happy learning!
Curiosity Corner
Crazy, Funny, Quirky but True Extra Facts for The Knowledge-Thirsty
'Hard... Cash?'
This is the story of a tiny island in the middle of the ocean and very far from other countries. This isle is home only to a few thousands people. When western merchants and explorers arrived, they expected the inhabitants of Yap to use only barter to exchange goods and services. They were oh-so-wrong! Today we are learning crazy but true facts about a hard type of... errr what exactly? It's HARD to say (ok, ok, I will stop with my silly puns right now). Seriously, though: what does the story of Yap's 'fei' say about money? Is a fei a sort of money? The discovery of Yap may not have made history but it has helped the experts re-think money and what it is. This debate goes on to this day and YOU can be part of it. Let me know your thoughts; send me a message using the contact section at the bottom of this page or get an adult to post on our social media accounts.
Time to let your new money knowledge shine
Class Three
Shopping with the Ancient Greeks
Step One: Watch These Videos
The journey goes on. Hop on the Time Bike...
Class Three: The Dawn of Coinage
In ancient times people swapped goods and services (barter) but when they could not, they trusted each other to pay later (credit). Everything worked well so... why did we start using coins? Clue: too many coincidences, not enough trust! Curious? Good: curiosity is the beginning of knowledge! Let's start with this video.
Class Three: Shopping with the Ancient Greeks
'Wanted: a beautiful, impressive and effective way to tell everyone how wonderful this city is. All original ideas considered. Apply NOW!"
This mock advert may make your smile but the ancient Greeks needed just as much marketing to promote their city states as we do today to promote our own cities.
They did not have social media or the internet but they had a powerful tool: the coin! Watch this video to learn all about the marketing job that coins did then and still do today.
Step Two: Complete These Challenges
Go, you oober money hero!
Flash Cards
Here's a quick and fun way to make sure you remember what we have learned so far.
To flip each card around click on one of the card's corners
Word Search Challenge
Search all the new words we have learned in this unit. It's fun and it will help you remember the new terms.
Drag and Drop Challenge
Drag and drop the right answers. Don't forget to check each answer as you go (click on the box at the bottom of each question)
Remember: Each quiz includes four questions but there are many more questions
in reserve, so you can take more than one quiz. Try as many quizzes as you can
Curiosity Corner
Crazy, Funny, Quirky but True Extra Facts for The Knowledge-Thirsty
'Crazy Coins'
The mad but true other side(s) of the coin
Coins were beautiful and impressive pieces of art that were used to pay AND to show off the achievements of the cities that minted them. Are you ready to see the other side of these coins? If the answer is 'YES, PLEASE' hop on the time bike and get ready to find out a few crazy but true facts about coins.
Attention Curiosity Corner Fans: this video includes two new words. Here they are:
1) counterfeit= fake
2) unprecedented= never done or seen before. In this video we use it to describe the role of the 'dokimastes', who enjoyed the most powerful position a slave ever had.
Time to let your new money knowledge shine
Class Four
(Not so) Lightweight Money
Step One: Watch These Videos
The journey goes on. Hop on the Time Bike... Again
Class Four: (Not so) Lightweight Money
Meet the form of money that made travelling and making big payments safe and easy! It's light, it's global and it has a long history: that's the banknote! Born in China in the XI century, it became popular in Europe in the XVII century and it's still going strong (and stronger) today!
Class Four: (Not so) Lightweight Money - Part 2
Our journey goes on. Get ready to visit the splendid court of the Khan, travel with Marco Polo and make your way to beautiful and rich Renaissance Italy to explore the history of banknotes.
Class Four: (Not so) Lightweight Money - Part 3
The Bank of England issued a new £20 in 2020 - after launching new £5 and £10 versions in 2016 and in 2017 respectively. Find out all the innovative security features devised to make the new £20 note very (very, very, very) hard to copy. I hope you enjoy this video produced by The Bank of England itself!
Step Two: Complete These Challenges
Go, you oober money hero!
Flash Cards
Here's a quick and fun way to make sure you remember what we have learned so far.
To flip each card around click on one of the card's corners
Word Search Challenge
Search all the new words we have learned in this unit. It's fun and it will help you remember the new terms.
Do you need a hand? Click on 'Hint' (top right corner)
Drag and Drop Challenge
One challenge, four questions, many new things. How much can you remember?
Don't forget to check each answer as you go
(click on the box at the bottom of each question)
Curiosity Corner
Crazy, Funny, Quirky but True Extra Facts for The Knowledge-Thirsty
(Not so) Lightweight Money
The mad but true other side of a banknote
It's old, it's clever, it's global and it has an amazing story with a few crazy chapters. This animation is about crazy but true things about banknotes.
Attention Curiosity Corner Fans: this video includes new words.
Here they are:
1) Face Value: the number printed on a coin or a banknote
2) Fiat Banknotes: banknotes NOT backed by gold.
Time to let your new money knowledge shine
Class Five
The Economy
Step One: Watch These Videos
More work to be done! Hop on the Time Bike...
Class Five: The Economy
We are all economists because we all make decisions about the world around us: time, money and resources. Decisions, decisions...
Let's hop on the time bike to ancient Athens to find out what the word 'Economy' really means. Clue? Home and... rules/management. Does this sound like Greek to you? Exactly!!
Class Five: Opportunity Cost
We only have 24 hours a day. There is only so much time, so much room and so many resources to do what we need and want to do. In economics this is called 'scarcity'. Because of scarcity, we make choices every day about what do to, when, where and how.
When we do so, we face the so-called 'Opportunity Cost'.
What we do and what we give up does not just describe our priorities, it also defines us and what we stand for.
Step Two: Complete These Challenges
Go, you oober money hero!
Flash Cards
Here's a quick and fun way to make sure you remember what we have learned so far.
To flip each card around click on one of the card's corners
Word Search Challenge
Search all the new words we have learned in this unit. It's fun and it will help you remember the new terms.
Do you need a hand? Click on 'Hint' (top right corner)
Let's see how the new words mix and match...
Mind Map Challenge
You can play this mind map as an animation or you can study it frame by frame or you can do both.
To choose, click on top the left-hand corner in the the section below. To set your play speed, go to the bottom right-hand corner.
Happy learning!
Curiosity Corner
Crazy, Funny, Quirky but True Extra Facts for The Knowledge-Thirsty
The Economy
errr, yes, but which one?
There are many ways to manage our resources and that's why there are different kinds of economic systems. Off we go on an another learning adventure to find out where and how different types of economies came about and how they developed through the centuries. Which system appeals to you most? Which of these systems has been adopted by your country?
Welcome to another episode of the Curiosity Corner, where hungry minds get a little extra!
Time to let your new money knowledge shine
Class Six
Step One: Watch These Videos
The journey goes on. Hop on the Time Bike...
Class Six: The Market
You don't need fancy shops and tills to make markets. You only need someone who needs something (demand) and someone able to provide that thing (supply). Supply and demand make a market.
Class Six: Market Dance
It's time for a little money movement.
When demand meets supply, we have a market and... a DANCE. Get ready to dance to the market's tune.
YOU will need:
* someone to stand opposite you
* and va-va-voom!
Ready? DANCE!
Step Two: Complete These Challenges
Go, you oober money hero!
Flash Cards
Here's a quick and fun way to make sure you remember what we have learned so far.
To flip each card around click on one of the card's corners
Word Search Challenge
Search all the new words we have learned in this unit. It's fun and it will help you remember the new terms.
Do you need a hand? Click on 'Hint' (top right corner)
Curiosity Corner
Crazy, Funny, Quirky but True Extra Facts for The Knowledge-Thirsty
The Invisible Hand
Why? Do you usually shop? Who or what decides how markets work? Who decides what product is successful and how much it costs ? It's the Invisible Hand.
Says who?
Says Adam Smith, the economist who mentioned the Invisible Hand for the first time ever, starting a (thought) revolution!
Welcome to another episode of the Curiosity Corner, where hungry minds get a little extra!
Drag and Drop Challenge
Don't forget to check each answer as you go
(click on the box at the bottom of each question)
Time to let your new money knowledge shine
Now, let me know
YOUR opinion matters, so don't be shy about sharing your thoughts with me
* Was it fun?
*Have you enjoyed learning about finance and economics?
*Anything else?
© 2025